Only Center for Navigation Guided Surgery
Endoscopes & Camera Systems

Endoscopes & Camera Systems

State of the art Endoscopes and Camera systems are available in Chikitsa ENT Hospital to provide excellent diagnostic and surgical results. NO SKIN INCISION is required while operating with these advanced systems.

  1. STRYKER 1280 (HD) camera
  2. STRYKER 1080 (HD) camera
  3. Karl Storz Telecam DX II
  4. Karl Storz Telecam DX
  5. Wide range of endoscopes (Rigid- 0°, 30°, 45°, 70°, 90° and Flexible Chip on Tip - Karl Storz/ Olympus)


  • Diagnostic Endoscopy
  • Nasal surgery (eg. FESS for polyps/ chronic rhinosinusitis/ fungal sinusitis)
  • Skull base surgery
  • Voice improvement surgeries (PHONOMICROLARYNGEAL SURGERY)
  • DISE (Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy)